Wood Cladding

  • T&G Cedar Cladding & Siding

    T&G Cedar Cladding & Siding

    Cedar wood, elegant, color brighter, clear wood, natural wood knot, water does not rot, not black, corrosion insulation, mold, odor,do not with static, anti-bacterial, not easily deformed, easy maintenance.
  • Cedar Bevel Siding

    Cedar Bevel Siding

    The density of wood is only one fifth of that of reinforced concrete, The wood has light weight, low center of gravity, good flexibility, stable structure and grooves, Less seismic force is absorbed during earthquake, Excellent seismic performance.
  • T&G Cedar Boards

    T&G Cedar Boards

    Cedar boards natural antisepsis and with its high degree of dimensional stability, it is the best of the softwoods for accepting paints, stains, oils and other coatings.
  • Cedar Interior paneling

    Cedar Interior paneling

    Cedar paneling is made of 100% heartwood,Natural preservatives are found in the fibers of Cedar heartwood deodara.
  • Arc Cedar boards/Arc Cedar boards/Arc Cedar Siding

    Arc Cedar boards/Arc Cedar boards/Arc Cedar Siding

    Cedar is the highest grade natural decay resistant wood in North America. Its excellent anti-corrosion ability comes from the natural growth of a kind of alcohol called thujaplicins